Fully Awake 365 Daily Devotionals

Fully Awake 365


You are about to embark on 365 days of a transformational journey that will radically shift your consciousness, awaken your creative capacity and summon your God-given power. Here is the beauty of vibration: D.E. & LaDonna think so much alike that we challenge you to see if you can decipher which one of them wrote which devotionals. These 365 Affirmations will Challenge Your Mind, Channel Your Power and Change Your Life. Each affirmation, teaching and affirmative prayer is designed to purposefully turn you within so you can powerfully create without. I am honored you would join us on the journey of becoming Fully Awake. $25

Copyright © 2022 by D.E. Paulk & LaDonna Paulk Diaz

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Update From The Author

When Covid-19 arrived on all of our doorsteps our local church, Spirit and Truth Sanctuary, had to make some very quick, abrupt changes. Our services were completely virtual for a year. During this time of physical separation, we began to miss one another. We desired to hear each other’s voices and to have a daily time of fellowship. So, I was inspired to write a one-hundred-day devotional that would help to facilitate a daily morning connection. This devotional, Fully Awake: 100 Days That Will Challenge Your Mind, Channel Your Power And Change Your Life, grew out of a need. The old saying is “necessity is the mother of invention.” After one-hundred straight days of devotion there was a growing desire, and even demand, to continue this daily connection for an entire year. Each of the one-hundred days brought us joy and laughter and helped us begin our days in a high vibration of gratitude and mindfulness. Which ultimately meant, I had to write two-hundred sixty-five more days of devotion.

It just so happened that during this time I was also in school at Emory University, Candler School of Theology, working on a Master of Theological Studies. So, I recruited my sister, Pastor LaDonna Diaz, to help me write many of the new devotionals. In the end, I wrote two-hundred days and she wrote one-hundred sixty-five. Here is the beauty of vibration: my sister and I think so much alike that I challenge you to see if you can decipher which one of us wrote which devotionals.

I am so glad to share this journey with you...the journey to your Self! Each day is designed to comfort and encourage you. Each day is also designed to incorporate challenge, channel and change into the creation of your life experience. As we begin, remember that we all change, but at our own pace and in our own space. So, eat what you can, and save the rest for later. Each new word, new thought, new paradigm is a seed planted in your subconscious mind that will spring into harvest when you become a vibrational match with the truth contained in the new idea. Ultimately, there are no new ideas, nothing new, only moments where we unearth truths that have been buried beneath years of conditioning and indoctrination. Let’s go!


Most of us are not big fans of change. Yet, we all change. However, we change at our own pace and in our own space. Change is the constant. The pace of change is the variable. No one can decide our pace or choose our space for us. Some of us are capable of emptying our cups, completely surrendering our egos and experiencing change at a quantum pace. Still others of us are a bit more reluctant and connected to a particular way of thinking, doing and being. There is not one route to change or even a required speed. Life will actually tell us what our speed of change should be. How? When the pain of remaining the same becomes more painful than the pain of change...we all decide to change...and change more quickly than we might have initially planned. Pain is a very powerful teacher that doesn’t need our permission or ask for our consent in order to impart wisdom or share life lessons. And, for those of us who are not blessed with mentors or guides, pain is really the only teacher any of us need.

This book is designed to bring about positive change in your experience of life. The daily affirmations, teachings and prayers are all designed to challenge and stretch you. They are not intended to break you. Over the next 365 days I am going to offer you quite a bit of food. Much of it will be inspirational. Yet, some of the teachings may feel confrontational and are purposefully designed to make you think and reconsider. Some of it will taste familiar, while some of it may be new for you. So, eat what you want and what you can. If a specific day or idea trips you up, don’t eat it. You don’t have to eat all of your food at one time or consume everything you are offered. When you are full...stop eating, save it for later or simply throw it out if it doesn’t taste right.

Religion tells you what to think. Spirituality teaches you how to think. In other words, religion sets a plate of food in front of you and tells you to eat, and eat all of it. Spirituality invites you to a restaurant and hands you a menu. Or, presents you with a buffet of food and then allows you to decide which type of food you want and how much. This is your life, your mind and your journey. Design it to fit you. There is no grade being earned and no diploma being handed out. The reward is peace, joy and learning to channel your power while refusing to give it away any longer. Transformation is a process. So be mindful, we are after progress, not perfection.

For most of my spiritual journey I struggled with questions like: “Is this accurate?” “Am I right or wrong?” “Who is correct?” These questions can never really be fully answered because life is not an exact science, or a “one size fits all” and radically varies from one perspective, one person and one place to another. What works for me may be destructive for you. Freedom may be the life giving element for one individual while freedom for others would quickly land them in bondage and enslavement.

The only question that really matters in life is this: IS IT WORKING FOR ME? All other questions are only feeding the ego, distracting from the real work that needs to be done and wasting valuable time and precious energy. Questions of right and wrong and arguments of accurate and inaccurate must all yield and give way to the truth of what works. And, what is working for one person may not be what works for another. Further, what worked for us during one leg of our journey may not work for us now. Consider each lesson. Ponder each idea. Chew on each bite. “Rightly divide the Word of Truth.” Trust the Spirit of God within you to discern what is healthy for you, and what might be harmful. Let’s walk together as we Challenge our Minds, Channel our Power, Change our Lives...and become Fully Awake!


For each day of this journey, I want to encourage you to recite this Prayer of Surrender before you begin your daily affirmation and teaching. This is a simple invitation of truth that sets up the conditions for your soul to be fed and prepares the ground of your mind to be open and available for transformation.


“Spirit of Truth, CARRY ME where You will, BRING TO ME what You will, TAKE FROM ME what You will, AWAKEN IN ME what You will. The Christ MAN is AROUND me. The Christ MIND is IN me. The Christ POWER flows THROUGH me. And, the Christ MYSTERY exists AS me. I believe it. I perceive it. And, now I receive it! I am surrendered. Amen.”

JANUARY 1 - Setting Goals and Making Resolutions

AFFIRMATION: “Today, New Year’s Day, I set only one goal. I make only one resolution: to REMAIN AWAKE. There is no need to wait for any person, any date, any event, or any time to create the life I want to experience. This day, and every day, is the day the Lord has made. Today, and every day, is the day of salvation.”

Iworkout six days a week at several different gyms near my house and church. I have worked out for the last thirty-five years. I enjoy this time as it allows me a chance to unplug, relieve stress, listen to music and connect with my body temple. Admittedly, the month of January is my least favorite month to workout. Why? The parking lot is full, the gym is crowded, and the machines that I normally have easy access to have a sign-up sheet. January is the time everyone is going to get in shape and lose some weight.

Several years ago, I was approached in mid December by an individual who wanted me to train them. I responded with excitement, “Sure, let’s begin tomorrow!” The individual replied, “No, let’s wait and begin January 1st.” What is the difference between these dates? Only the importance we ascribe to them. I knew then this individual would falter, making resolutions, and then projecting discipline and health into his idea of a future reality.

When we make resolutions on January 1st we many times break those resolutions by January 15th or even earlier! Projecting our best selves into the future, or being held captive by a calendar, is giving our power away. Now is the time! And, the time is always, eternally, inarguably NOW!

PRAYER: “God of the NOW, empower me to create my life now, not later. Be with me as I seize this day, honor this moment, and stay in the present. Amen.”
